Treatment Options for Curbing Chronic Diarrhea

Treatment Options for Curbing Chronic Diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea interferes with your life very seriously. In the case of some people, it can be managed with some diet changes and prescription medications. As far as some other people are concerned, it requires a combination of different approaches to find relief. The treatment for chronic diarrhea depends on the symptoms and the intensity of the problem and choosing the right combination treatment is the key to bring relief in a fast manner.

Medications as an option of treatment for chronic diarrhea
Earlier, medication options for treating chronic diarrhea were limited but new medications have been introduced into the market nowadays. Diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome also called IBS-D is a common problem that many people have to deal with. The major symptoms of this condition are frequent bouts of loose and watery diarrhea and chronic abdominal pain. It can be described as a highly disruptive health issues. For relieving the symptoms and treating this condition, there are a good number of medications available.

Popular over-the-counter medications
If you are suffering from IBS-D, Imodium is one of the most popular over-the-counter medications available. You have to take Imodium orally, and it is a very well-tolerated medication. It reduces the speed of intestinal contractions and the fluid quantity in the large intestine is also lowered to make a speedy recovery. This situation leads to a reduced urgency and the stool becomes firmer. At the same time, Imodium does not play a vital role in reducing the abdominal pain. Some of the most popular and common prescription medications as treatment for chronic diarrhea include Xifaxan and Viberzi and the offer fast and long-lasting results.

Xifaxan:  Xifaxan is a good antibiotic that functions in a different way compared to other antibiotics. This medication is not absorbed in the stomach and that is why the actions of Xifaxan are supposed to occur in the small intestine locally. It is extensively used in the treatment of IBS-D where bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine is the leading cause of the IBS-D symptoms. Since it works locally, you can consider it as a well-tolerated one. However, it is not going to influence the bacteria available in your large intestine. Various research studies suggest that Xifaxan is quite good at controlling bloating, diarrhea episodes, and abdominal pain.

Viberzi:  Viberzi also called Eluxadoline creates a positive impact on your digestive system by working on Opioid receptors. These receptors control the intestinal contractions speed, and they also reduce pain sensations and fluid secretion effectively. Viberzi is supposed to work locally and the side effects of this medication are very minimal. It should be considered as a controlled substance, and you should be mindful of the use of this option as a treatment for chronic diarrhea as it easy to get addicted to using it.

Antispasmodics or anticholinergics medications as a treatment for chronic diarrhea
Doctors recommend antispasmodic medications to reduce the lower pain and cramping in people who are suffering from IBS-D. They are extremely effective in targeting and controlling the neurotransmitter acetylcholine available in your nervous system. The primary advantage of anticholinergics is that they lower the secretion process of mucus and intestinal spasms can also be controlled with the help this medication. It is also equipped with pain relieving properties. Most popular antispasmodics are Bentyl, Anaspaz, Levbid, and Buscopan.

Although antidepressants are not prescribed normally, they are sometimes recommended to address the IBS-D symptoms. Since these medications create a positive effect on neurotransmitters in the gut and brain, you can expect some relief. Antidepressants reduce pain and they reduce the bowel movements.

Bile acid binders
Various research studies show that around 30% of the IBS-D cases can be attributed to a condition called bile acid diarrhea. This is a condition in which the affected person experiences diarrhea episode immediately after eating. This problem can be treated with the help of bile acid binders and the most common medications are Colestipol, Colesevelam, and Cholestyramine.

Self-care is a very important aspect
Treatment for chronic diarrhea cannot be confined to the intake of medications alone. You can take steps to calm down your body and enhance your physical health. You must find methods to create a calming effect on your body when facing diarrhea related symptoms because of the close relationship between your body’s stress response and the gastrointestinal system. If there is a pain, you must do things to reduce the pain. You have to create a better understanding of the foods that aggravate the problem and avoid those food items. Following a low-FODMAP diet is the best option available. This diet refers to eliminating foods containing specific carbohydrates, and it helps you calm down your body effectively.

You must tweak your eating habits, and there is no need to empty the stomach to get rid of this problem. You can do some relaxation exercises as a part of treatment for chronic diarrhea.

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