Useful Facts about L-arginine

Useful Facts about L-arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid which is present in food items such as white meat, fish, chicken, milk products, and red meat. It is also made in the human body and can be synthesized artificially in laboratories. L-arginine for erection-related problems is a great medical treatment for people who suffer from lifestyle or hereditary problems. After the intake, L-arginine is converted into NO (nitric oxide) that expands the blood vessels and promotes the blood flow in the body.

L-arginine has various benefits. Many people take it as a dietary supplement for various reasons, such as:

  • Lessening the blood pressure
  • With L-arginine, erection function is boosted
  • Boost circulation of blood in the heart ensuring a healthy heart
  • Increase sperm count and motility
  • Enhance the recovery process in injuries and surgeries
  • Control pain in legs due to improper blood circulation

L-arginine for erection-related problems is considered as one of the most popular treatments. The drug possesses a great potential of vasodilator. L-arginine for erection problems works similar to PDE5 inhibitor drugs such as Cialis and Viagra.

One must take high quantities of L-arginine to find its performance such as erection strength and blood flow. Doses of about 6 grams, 8 grams or 10 grams must be taken depending on individual need. The dosage gives different results for different users. Therefore it is difficult to describe an exact dose value for the people. Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) can take high dietary supplements up to 1200 mg daily. You can even tray different doses of L-arginine different times a day. For example, a dose of 4000 mg in the morning and 5000 mg in the afternoon depending on your needs.

If you combine the intake of pine bark along with L-arginine, erection function can be boosted. Being a great antioxidant, L-arginine enhances the blood flow. The dose can give better results for increasing ED. A dose of L-arginine empty stomach gives wonderful results. Consuming it with a meal containing protein is also effective.

Even if don’t have an erectile dysfunction, a regular intake of L-arginine increases the erection response time and blood circulation.

Side effects of L-arginine
Even though L-arginine is completely safe and has no potential side effects, it is advisable to follow the given safety tips:

  • Don’t take L-arginine with ED drug or Viagra
  • You can face with low blood pressures
  • High dose of L-arginine could cause diarrhea
  • If L-arginine mixes with other nitrates, it can possibly increase the blood flow to great extent
  • Fluctuations in blood sugar levels
  • Irregular balance of potassium in body
  • Bleeding problems
  • If you suffer from low blood pressure problem, it is advised to consult a doctor before consuming L-arginine. Take proper medications to keep the blood pressure under control.

L-Arginine has been widely recognized as a good treatment for ED and related problems. Though the drug doesn’t restore a healthy erectile function, it ensures great effectiveness. L-Arginine must be taken in taken in combination with other supplements for good performance. Some of them are:

L-arginine and Yohimbine Hydrochloride: The dose works well for mild to moderate ED. Studies reveal the effectiveness of the combination of L-arginine and Yohimbine Hydrochloride:

L-arginine and Pycnogenol: Pycnogenol is a herbal supplement. The combination of Pycnogenol and L-arginine gives great results for men in the age group of 25-45 years.Pycnogenol is extracted from the pine bark tree and contains other elements such as grape seed and peanut skin.

If you find any symptoms of ED, it is advised to take the consultation of the doctors. Apart from using L-arginine for erection-related problems, you can even try natural remedies for the same. If the problem persists, get medical prescriptions from the urologists.

How does L-arginine work?
The DE5 inhibitor blocks the cGMP (a substance in the penis) which is further a neurotransmitter for 5GMP in the penis. cGMP is blocked for about four to eight hours. CGMP is a PDE (phosphodiesterase) enzyme. This inhibits the flow of 5GMP, which causes the deflation of the penis at times when an erection is not needed.

In contrast, the L-arginine expands the blood vessels and promotes the blood flow in the penis. This, in turn, increases the sexual functionality in men.

If you are want to buy L-arginine product always buy it from reputable brands. Take a dig at the quantities of L-arginine contained in the packages.

L-arginine is available in both powder and capsule form. The powder Arginine is available at lesser costs than the capsules. However, it is easy to ingest capsules which give better results. You can easily carry capsules and take them during work hours. Plus you don’t need to taste the bitter Arginine powder.

It takes a couple of weeks for arginine to show its full effect. It can probably take three to five weeks. Since there are no potential side effects, you can take L-arginine for erection as long as you want. Remember, to overcome erectile dysfunction, you would need some time and patience.

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