Best Magnesium Supplements to Control Various Health Issues

Best Magnesium Supplements to Control Various Health Issues

Deficiencies and diseases are no longer related to a specific timeframe or age. No matter where you stay or how old/young you are, health-related deficiencies can occur at any point in time. For instance, the case of the US, about 43 percent of residents have the likelihood of being diagnosed with a deficiency of magnesium. The deficiency of magnesium in the human body attracts a horde of diseases such as fibromyalgia, heart issues, osteoporosis, diabetes, and even depression. The role and utility of magnesium depend on the role of other linked compounds such as calcium, vitamin K2, and vitamin D.

Magnesium naturally occurs in some foods, and the easiest and optimal way to incorporate more magnesium into your body is to go the natural way. However, if you are prescribed bringing a supplement into your daily diet, and you indeed need the same, you could try out one of the following which is considered as the best magnesium supplements in the market. To begin with, you have to understand that the benefits of such supplements vary as per type.

Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium Glycinate is a glycine magnesium salt. Glycine is actually an amino acid. This is one of the best magnesium supplements is also available as magnesium diglycinate and magnesium bisglycinate. Mostly “chelated” products of magnesium contain these forms. Of course, the human body easily absorbs these. In order to enhance magnesium levels for hypomagnesemia, this, being one of the best magnesium supplements, is advised to be consumed. The supplement also comes with a high-level for bowel tolerance.

Magnesium Oxide
This is not usually available in bio-form. This, which is also considered as one of the best magnesium supplements, is used for the treatment of acid reflux or acidic stomach. The low level of bioavailability makes this compound perfect for individuals having constipation. Commonly referred to as milk of magnesia, this supplement has been around for ages. It is used as an oral medicine for treatment of heartburn, acidity, and stomach upset.

Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium citrate is actually a combination of citric acid and magnesium. Unlike other magnesium supplements, this is one of the best magnesium supplements that has acidic pH. It is generally used as an additive to foods to aid in regulating overall levels of acidity. This magnesium supplement comes loaded with the ability to attract water in the body. The process is called osmosis and doctors employ the supplement during colonoscopy. In case you are on low oxalate diets, magnesium citrate bonds with oxalic acid molecules for eliminating oxalates from the body. Magnesium citrate is a healthy choice when you aim to maintain healthy magnesium level in the body.

Magnesium Malate
Magnesium Malate is one of the best magnesium supplements found in a pair with malic acid. The latter is generally found in fruits and seen as especially beneficial for fatigue-related issues. The supplement is effective for treatment of heart disease, depression, as well as diabetes. Magnesium malate as a supplement is beneficial in treating chronic fatigue syndrome.

Magnesium Taurate
Magnesium taurate is magnesium combined with taurine, an amino acid. The latter promotes lifespan. It also reduces the risk of cardiac arrests, supports better electrolyte balance as well as promotes better immune functions. Additionally, the magnesium taurate supplement, one of the best magnesium supplements in the market, helps in the treatment of depression, neurodegenerative disorder prevention, and better vascular health maintenance.

Magnesium Threonate
Magnesium Threonate has not been available popularly for very long. However, it is helpful against neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The supplement is labeled as a nootropic and comes laced with the ability to enhance the cognitive functioning of the brain as in, short-term memory, and alertness. This is one of the best magnesium supplements that is patented by Magceutics and is not naturally occurring, as opposed to the others we mentioned above.

Do these supplements come with side effects?
Magnesium supplements barely have much side effects. Diarrhea is a possible side effect but generally gets cured very soon. Moreover, even in people with renal issues, these supplements fail to pose much risk if taken under proper medical guidance. However, you need to remember that excessive magnesium consumption will lead to fatigue. Magnesium interacts with few drugs including antibiotics, insulin, antacids, or diuretics. However, proper medical guidance will not interfere with taking any of these groups with magnesium supplements.

There is a recommended daily allowance for magnesium as per age and gender. As per the National Institutes of Health, the limits are as follows:
Infant–6 months: Maximum 30 milligrams
Age 7–12 months: Maximum 75 milligrams
Age 1–3 years: Maximum 80 milligrams
Age 4–8 years: Maximum 130 milligrams
Age 9–13 years: Maximum 240 milligrams
Age 14–18 years: Maximum 410 milligrams for males; 360 milligrams for females
Age 19–30 years: Maximum 400 milligrams for males; 310 milligrams for females
Age 31 years and more: Maximum 420 milligrams for males; 320 milligrams for females

It is important that you remain careful while consuming these supplements. An overdose would lead to imbalance as well as toxicity. Balance such supplements with natural foods laced with magnesium as much as you can. This will lead to a more sustainable and easier-to-maintain lifestyle.

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