Your Guide To The Best Sinus Medication

Your Guide To The Best Sinus Medication

Your Guide To The Best Sinus Medication

The sinuses are void pockets within the bones around the nose. Sinusitis occurs when there is inflammation or infection in the membrane linings in the sinus. Then cavities occur which gives rise to mucus, and flows into the nose. The swollen nose can obstruct the sinuses and instigate pain. Inflammation leads to a rise in pressure within nose area. Allergies and nasal problems can also trigger acute and chronic sinusitis.

Classification Of Sinus

Sinusitis is of three types mainly – severe, chronic or recurring

• Severe

Any sinus problem which continues for almost three weeks is acute sinusitis.

• Chronic

This infection lingers for a longer period if left untreated. Other chronic diseases are allergies, bacterial, and fungal infection. Chronic sinusitis sets off headaches and produces mucus. It also leads to acute obstruction of the closure of nose.


This type of sinus infection happens irregularly and occurs many times.

Causes Of Sinus

There are many reasons for a sinus problem. Allergies which are unattended are the main factor. Another cause is the growth of bacteria in the path of the nose. Inhaling allows bacteria to enter via air and get entrapped by the mucus membrane. The confined particles cause irritation. Abnormalities in the nasal hole disallow drain of mucus from sinus cavities. The fungus causes sinus infection also.

Sinusitis Treatment Plan

Correct treatment at the early stage of sinusitis or sinus infections usually heals. Sinus infections which are viral are nonresponsive to traditional remedies including antibiotics.

Fungicide is used to mitigate sinusitis which is fungal in nature. The best sinus medication is surgery. Majority recover without any prescribed medications. Many natural sinus pain remedies are available to bring relief to sinusitis.

Natural Sinus Remedies

Try these natural sinus remedies for sinus pain relief:

· Clean your nasal passages

One of the natural remedies is saline spray and washes like the neti pot. A saline wash thins mucus and cleanses it out of the nasal passages. This keeps the sinuses wet.

· Try bromelain

Bromelain is a protein found in pineapple stems. Bromelain has a positive effect and helps decrease swelling in the nasal passages. Follow the dosing instructions and consult your doctor.

· Take hot water vapor or a steamy shower

Hot water vapor helps to moisten the sinuses. A hot, steamy shower or bath can also help to slacken mucus and debris that is stuck inside your nose.

· Drink plenty of water

Hydration keeps your sinuses moist. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid caffeinated drinks which can cause dehydration.

· Eat spicy foods

Eat spicy foods such as mustard, hot peppers, and curry. It may help to clear sinuses by opening your nasal passages.

· Allergy-proof your home

Allergies can make sinus pain worse. Get rid of dust in your home. Install an air filter system. Use disinfectant bedding. Keep a distance from your pets.

· Use a humidifier

A humidifier can keep the air moist which reduces sinus. Be sure to keep the humidifier clean.

· Apply warm compresses

Use a warm compress to keep the nasal tissues moist. Fill a bowl with steaming water. Place your face over it with a towel around your head. Try to breathe the steam in.

· Do not go for antibiotics immediately

Do not use antibiotics immediately. They may not be the most effective treatments for most cases of sinusitis. Your doctor may suggest a seven-day waiting period without antibiotics. He will track your improvement.

Best Sinus Medication

Buying the best sinus medication without a prescription is possible. You can follow the following sinus medications for treatment:

  • Use Antibiotic Drugs To Treat Sinus

Antibiotic drugs fight harmful bacterial infections involved in sinus infections. It prevents the growth of bacteria and mitigates it. Antibiotic drugs are in the form of penicillins having different generic names. One example of an antibiotic drug is amoxicillin. Do not forget to take the full course of antibiotic drugs. The treatment works effectively on a short-term basis. This is in relation about treating acute sinus infections caused by bacteria. It takes a couple of days to know the progress of this sinus treatment after taking antibiotic drugs.

  • Take Pain Relievers

You can take sinus medications in the form of pain relievers. But proper care should be taken while using them. Before having the medicines, you must follow the instructions given on the label given on the back side. If not followed then a lot of complications may arise.

  • Apply Sinus Medications In Liquid Form

Apply the medicines in liquid form in bottles on your blocked nose to open it. Gels can also be applied to have the same effect. There are two types of nasal sprays available. One is the decongested type, and the other one is the steroid type. These can be applied to clear your nose. Use decongestant of oral type for a stuffy nose. It provides a prolonged relief.

• Use a medicine that dilutes mucus and improves sinus drainage.

• Use Guaifenesin as mucolytic.

Always verify the labels to see whether the medicine available over the counter is safe. Overuse will harm you.

Follow the direction of dosage prescribed. Antihistamines are not recommended except for allergies. You need a fair knowledge on over-the-counter products in connection with the symptoms. This will help you to choose which medicine best suits you to cure sinus. These include:

(1) Unclog nasal passages

(2) Decrease nasal congestion

(3) Mitigate pain and pressure symptoms; and

(4) Decrease possibilities for further problems.

  • Sinus Medications For Treatment Through Your Doctor

Your doctor may perform a CAT (computerized axial tomography) scan of the nose and sinuses. He will probe for anatomical blockages for surgical treatment. Check whether your symptoms are acute like uncomfortable headaches, blockage of the nose, and pain in the face. If you are facing any of these, then do not forget to pay a visit to ear-nose-throat (ENT) physician.

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